
Indoor Complete Chicken With Lentils & Salmon Recipe Super Premium
Dry Food
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Only The Best For Your
Best Friend
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Welcome To
Pet Care Center

Petzen holistic pet foods are carefully formulated with some of the most nutritious ingredients on earth for a healthy mind, body, and (free) spirit. Because when pets are healthy…!

“Ingredients used are selected for the quality of nutrients they provide and for their profits.”

Our Nutrition Philosophy

We make pet food with purpose. Every dry dog and cat food recipe
we make begins with Kreme… !

Super Foods Inclusions

Nutrient-packed ingredients
like carrots, pumpkin,

Omega Fatty Acids

An optimum balance of Omega 3
and 6 fatty acids to promote.

Vitamins C & E

Nature's antioxidants to help support
your pet's immune system.

Taurine & L-Carnitine

Taurine to support heart health. In
cats, this amino acid cannot be

Ocean Fish Meal

A balanced protein to help support
muscle growth as well as healthy
skin and coat.

Natural Prebiotic Fiber

Help to support your pet’s overall
digestive health and nutrient

Our Products

We offer quick & easy services for both dogs and cat of various breeds. No matter their
size or age, we can provide positive grooming experience.

Our Amazing Testimonials

# Pet Grooming Flint “Our Topaz loves going to see Pet! She does an awesome job! She’s friendly, affordably priced & really cares about her clients & their owners. I would not go anywhere else. You should not either.”
"Very Affordably Priced"
Caroline Bryan
# Pet Grooming Flint “Our Topaz loves going to see Pet! She does an awesome job! She’s friendly, affordably priced & really cares about her clients & their owners. I would not go anywhere else. You should not either.”
"Very Affordably Priced"
Caroline Bryan
# Pet Grooming Flint “Our Topaz loves going to see Pet! She does an awesome job! She’s friendly, affordably priced & really cares about her clients & their owners. I would not go anywhere else. You should not either.”
"Very Affordably Priced"
Caroline Bryan
Photo Gallery

Looking & Smelling Great!

Why Choose Us

Pet treats packed with nutritious ingredients, vitamins and
supplements to help dogs.

Pet Nutritionists

Our in-house pet nutritionists play a crucial role in the creation
of Kreme dog and cat food

Quality & Safety

We own and run operations in all of the facilities in which
our dry food is made.

Health & Well-Being

Just as important as what we put into our Kreme
recipes is what your pet gets...!

Pet Blog

Our Latest News

O que é o adestramento com o método “Reforço positivo”?

Há tempos atrás o adestramento não era uma ciência popularizada e nem mesmo era considerado como tal. Com o aumento da população de cães domésticos essa ciência evoluiu e continua evoluindo como meio necessário para a interação homem-animal e para o bem estar animal. Nesse contexto evolutivo surgiram várias metodologias de adestramento, dentre elas o

Por que ter um Dobermann?

Eu poderia escrever esse texto de forma técnica, falando como uma estudiosa do assunto, das dezenas de qualidades inerentes a um Dobermann. Poderia falar sobre a versatilidade que só o Dobermann tem, em ser capaz de se adaptar tão bem a um apartamento de 40m2 quanto a uma fazenda milhares de vezes maior que isso;

Xixi e cocô no lugar certo: educadores sanitários funcionam?

A chegada de um filhote em casa é sempre uma alegria. Com ele chegam novas aventuras, brincadeiras e descobertas, mas também novos desafios. Um dos mais importantes e dificultosos para muitas famílias é a educação sanitária desse pequeno novo membro. Imagine então que uma solução milagrosa surge na prateleira do Pet Shop, em um vidrinho

O Dom de cuidar do
seu melhor amigo

Nossos contatos


Segunda a Sexta-feira

Aberto de 8h – 17h


Aberto de 8h – 15h30

Domingos e feriados – Fechado

Dom Delius | Hospedagem – Adestramento – Criação – Hospital – Cães de Guarda – Taxi Dog